The Java Super Heroes: Presenting Java-Man

November 12, 2010

Java-ManDon’t forget, RealDolmen is partner of Devoxx 2010, so all next week you can drop by our booth to meet the Java Super Heroes, test your skills against them, talk to them and also, get your free copy of the Java City map as well as some other nice surprises!

As the last in the series of interviews with the RealDolmen Java Super Heroes, we present to you Java-Man!Java-Man is one of a kind. Together with his friends Super-J, Mega-Flex and JSF-Woman he is there to build powerful and perfect-fit Java solutions.

RealDolmen: Hello Java-Man, you are probably the most experienced Super Heroe we talked to this week, is this correct?

Java-Man: Yes, I think you’re right. I’m approaching the end of my second decade in IT and I must admit that I have quite a track record! I started out as a system administrator, then I became an expert in database management such as DB2 and now I’ve been active in Java Land for more than seven years.

RealDolmen: That’s very impressive. And still, you seem like you can’t get enough of the numerous challenges that lie ahead on the Java road?

Java-Man: Oh no indeed, quite the contrary: the longer I’m active in Java Land, the more intense it gets! I just love my missions of delivering modular, scalable, sustainable and robust Java solutions that provide user friendly access to data, services and business logic.

RealDolmen: What are the special powers and strengths you have to help customers with all these challenges?

Java-Man: Good question. Instead of immediately diving into the code, I always start out looking for those special needs and requirements that are always there, but usually not yet articulated and so lay there below the surface. If you don’t address these things early on, they become dangerous later in the project, so I find it very important to talk about these things in advance, before going into action and getting my hands dirty. This kind of interaction also helps me to better understand the world and problems of the end users and allows me to deliver only the best and most appropriate solution for them. Empathy and communication skills are essential for a Super Hero; hence I have invested a lot in improving and enriching these competencies over the years as well.

RealDolmen: It is clear that Super Heroes like you are real experts in your business. Yet, you appear to continuously look for ways to learn and improve your way of working?

Java-Man: That’s absolutely correct. I believe that Java Super Heroes have the duty to continuously invest in their own knowledge portfolio and to stimulate each other to do so as well as this will help the team to grow. Very important for the individual, the team and also our company, all operating in a world where knowledge is the key to success.

RealDolmen: So you guys do not stand alone, but work closely together, evolving and innovating?

Java-Man: Knowledge sharing, collaboration and leadership are corner stones for our Super Hero clan. These are indeed important criteria to get accepted into the team!

RealDolmen: Thank you, Java-Man for this interesting interview! Now go back in the field and act in heroic ways!

The Java Super Heroes: Presenting JSF-Woman

November 11, 2010

JSF-WomanAlthough Java City sometimes can seem like it’s mainly a men’s world, there surely are also women with incredible powers.

JSF-Woman is such a female talent and young member of the Java Super Heroes clan. She only started two years ago, but her potential was soon discovered by Super-J and Mega-Flex who embraced her in the Java Super Hero team. JSF-Woman is young and ambitious. Her technical expertise in the JavaEE space are, simply put, extraordinary!

RealDolmen: Hello, JSF-Woman. You look very nice today, but looking great aside, what other powers do you possess to vanquish your enemies and help your colleagues?

JSF-Woman: Thanks, you make me blush. In fact, I prefer to put fear in the hearts of my enemies! 🙂 I do that mainly using my technical expertise. Go on, you can ask me any question about JavaEE and JSF technologies including Richfaces, Spring Hibernate, and many others. I just know every tiny detail of those technologies, right down to the core.

RealDolmen: Wow that sounds very cool. What kind of challenges do you overcome with this technical expertise?

JSF-Woman: My primary mission is to deliver JavaEE projects within time and budget, according to the specifications. I always claim responsibility to make sure that the team delivers at the highest quality. I make sure that the team kills every bug that I detect and that everyone is capable of doing it independently.

RealDolmen: Does independently mean that you have to coach team members as well?

JSF-Woman: That’s exactly what I mean. Although I sometimes expect everyone else to be a Super Hero as well 🙂 Unfortunately though, that’s not always the case when working with third parties.

RealDolmen: How to you tackle this problem?

JSF-Woman: It is not really a problem; that’s why we are Super heroes after all! I always make sure that we develop long-term solutions instead of quick and dirty fixes, even if the application is already in production. This way self-confidence grows within the team, but also the customer will gain confidence in the team. And when the customer is happy, he will most likely come back for other things as well!

RealDolmen: You show lots of accountability. Is that an important characteristic of being a Java Super Hero?

JSF-Woman: Absolutely! A Java Super Hero must have the talent to take ownership in order to get to perfect solutions. Also, you must have a passion to grow additional knowledge and skills well beyond your comfort zone because Java Land is continuously changing. Fact is, different customers and situations often require individual approaches. As a Super Hero, it’s very important to understand this and to be proactive in behaviour communication.

RealDolmen: Thanks for your time, JSF-Woman. Do you have one last message for our readers?

JSF-Woman: Yes, we’re still looking for other Super Heroes to strengthen our team. Those who think they are worthy should visit us at Devoxx!

WEB 2.0 integratie met Google Maps door middel van MapFace

July 15, 2009

Mapface is een Open Source JSF component gebouwd door RealDolmen.

In de zoektocht naar een waardevolle JSF-component voor integratie met Google Maps zijn we lange tijd op onze honger blijven zitten.  De oplossingen die beschikbaar waren hadden telkens wel een of andere tekortkoming, daarop heeft RealDolmen beslist om zelf een component te schrijven.

Het resultaat mag er zeker zijn.  En omdat we zeker zijn dat anderen bezig zijn aan net dezelfde zoektocht als wij een paar maanden geleden, hebben we beslist om de code als Open Source ter beschikking te stellen. De code is dus vrij te downloaden, en uitbreidingen kunnen voorgesteld worden.

Meer info over de Mapface component is te vinden op SourceForge.

Op de website staan een waaier aan voorbeelden over hoe de component nu precies moet gebruikt worden. Mocht het u ontbreken aan inspiratie kunnen we samen kijken hoe aan de hand van deze component Google Maps functionaliteit kan geïntegreerd worden in uw huidige of toekomstige toepassingen.